41 research outputs found

    As TIC como ponte na comunicação em crianças com paralisia cerebral

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    Mestrado - Ciências da EducaçãoCom este estágio pretendeu-se estudar e intervir, numa perspetiva sistémica, sobre a realidade em que estava inclusa uma criança portadora de Paralisia Cerebral, procurando-se compreender e avaliar o impacto das variáveis individuais e contextuais no desempenho da criança, bem como as potencialidades dos recursos técnicos para o seu desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, nomeadamente, das capacidades de comunicação, autonomia e independência pessoal. Os objetivos da investigação foram concretizados através da realização de um estudo de caso focalizado nesta aluna de uma escola do 1º ciclo do ensino básico que, ao longo de dois anos, tem utilizado computador com o software Grid 2, mas apresentava muitas dificuldades e desmotivação na utilização do mesmo. Ao longo da investigação, depois de analisar as dificuldades da aluna, foram avaliados vários tipos de tecnologias assistivas, até ser encontrado o Roller II Joystick, que de acordo com as equipas do Centro de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra e do Centro de Recursos de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (CRTIC) de Eixo, foi considerado como "a melhor solução” para a aluna-alvo. Este equipamento, disponiblizado pelo CRTIC em regime de empréstimo, será adquirido para utilização exclusiva da aluna no próximo ano letivo, através das verbas do próprio CRTIC (disponibilizadas pelo Ministério da Educação para o apoio a alunos com NEE). Como resultado da investigação empírica realizada, verificou-se a importância das TIC no desenvolvimento da autonomia, aprendizagem e comunicação da aluna. No entanto, constatou-se a complexidade resultante da multiplicidade de fatores envolvidos, que se interrelacionam e determinam o fracasso ou o êxito da introdução e utilização dessas tecnologias nos contextos educativos.The purpose of this period of internship was to study and intervene, from a systemic perspective, about the reality in which a child with cerebral palsy was included, seeking to understand and assess the impact of individual and contextual variables in the child’s performance, as well as the potential of technical resources for her development and learning, namely as far as communication skills, autonomy and personal independence. The research objectives were attained through a case study focused on this Primary Education pupil who, for the last two years, had been using a computer with Grid 2, but exhibiting a great deal of difficulties and lack of motivation to use it. Throughout the study, and after analyzing the pupil’s difficulties, various types of assistive technologies were assessed, until we found the Roll II Joystick. According to the Cerebral Palsy Center of Coimbra and the CRTIC (Center of ICT Resources for Special Education) from Eixo, the Roll II Joystick was elected “the best solution” for the child. This equipment, borrowed from the CRTIC, will be acquired for the pupil’s exclusive use for next school year with funds from CRTIC (made available by the Ministry of Education and Science to support pupils with SEN). As a result of the present empirical research, the importance of Information and Communication Technologies for the development of the autonomy, learning and communication of this pupil was recognized. However, it also highlighted the complexity that results from the multiplicity of factors involved that interrelate and determine the failure or the success of the introduction and use of these technologies in educational contexts

    Compartilha: espaço online de colaboração e partilha de conhecimentos e recursos no domínio das necessidades especiais

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    Doutoramento em Multimédia em EducaçãoA presente tese descreve o processo de desenvolvimento e teste de uma comunidade de prática online, que visa contribuir para a utilização otimizada dos recursos digitais no âmbito das Necessidades Especiais (NE) e facilitar a comunicação e colaboração entre profissionais de educação e saúde e familiares das crianças/jovens com NE. Para a concretização destes objetivos optámos pela metodologia de Development Research, considerando que desenvolvemos uma solução baseada em tecnologias digitais para investigar o potencial da utilização do protótipo concebido em contexto real. O estudo objetivou compreender como desenvolver e dinamizar um espaço online de promoção da construção e partilha de conhecimentos e recursos tecnológicos no domínio das NE, criando uma rede de apoio entre profissionais de saúde/educação e famílias de crianças/jovens com NE. Com esta finalidade, concebemos um espaço online denominado “Compartilha”, que está acessível através de http://cms.ua.pt/compartilha/ e cuja especificação e desenvolvimento teve como referência as motivações, necessidades e interesses manifestados pelas famílias e profissionais envolvidos no processo educativo/reabilitativo das crianças/jovens com NE, e as práticas recomendadas de dinamização das comunidades online ou presenciais. Para tal, desenvolveu-se uma estrutura acessível e intuitiva, com áreas que permitem a compartilha dos recursos, estratégias e conhecimento, e a discussão dos temas de interesse, bem como a aprendizagem colaborativa e a criação/adaptação de recursos educativos específicos. O Compartilha passou por uma fase de teste com um grupo piloto, com a duração de nove meses, tendo os resultados obtidos permitido concluir sobre os impactos positivos da sua utilização, essencialmente pelas vantagens identificadas a nível da interação e colaboração, bem como da compartilha de recursos, estratégias e conhecimentos. O estudo evidenciou que as ferramentas tecnológicas e estratégias de e-moderação aplicadas permitiram a criação e desenvolvimento de um espaço online que multiplica as possibilidades de compartilha e colaboração, facilitando a articulação entre os diferentes agentes educativos (familiares, profissionais de educação e de saúde), de forma a permitir a troca de experiências, dúvidas, estratégias e recursos e melhorar o ajuste destas à diversidade, especificidade, problemática e contexto de cada criança/jovem.This thesis depicts the development and testing process of an online practice community that aims to promote the use of technological resources for Special Needs (SN) in an optimized way, facilitating the communication and collaboration amongst education and health care professionals and families of children/youth with SN. To accomplish these goals, we have chosen the “Development Research” methodology, considering we are developing a technological solution to investigate its potential use in a real environment. This study has tried to figure out how to conceive and stimulate a website that promotes the creation and sharing of knowledge and technological resources relevant in the domain of SN, enabling a support network amongst education/health professionals and families of children/youth with SN. Therefore, we have conceived the website Compartilha, which can be accessed through http://cms.ua.pt/compartilha/. Its features and development have taken into account the motivations, needs and interests of the families and professionals involved in the process of education/rehabilitation of children/youth with SN, as well as the recommended practices for promoting online and face-to-face communities. Thus, there has been created an intuitive and easily accessible configuration, with specific areas that allow the sharing of resources, knowledge and strategies, and the discussion of topics of interest, as well as the collaborative learning and the creation/adjustment of specific educational resources. Compartilha went through a nine months testing period, with a pilot group. The results allowed us to conclude that the impact of its use is positive, mainly for the advantages identified at the interaction and collaboration level, as well as for the sharing of resources, strategies and knowledge. This study made clear that the used e-moderation technological tools and strategies made possible the creation and development of a website that multiplies the possibilities of sharing and collaboration, making easier the connection amongst the different education agents (families, education and health professionals), so they can exchange experiences, doubts, strategies and resources for a better adjustment of their education/rehabilitation practices addressing the diversity, specificity, strengths/weaknesses and contextual variables of each child/youth

    Studying inclusion in music education: an integrative literature review as a support in the choice of methodology, using WebQDA

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    To reflect and clarify the methodological paths we are following, theobjectives of this work were to base the choice of the methodology to be usedin our research project related to the Inclusive Education of children with spe-cial needs in Arts Education Programmes in Music in Portugal. We started bycomparing methodologies used in other research studies on the same theme. Wecarried out an integrative literature review according to the theme of our study. Webegan by searching articles through selected keywords in English between 2015and 2020 in the search engine Google Scholar and b-on, and in the databases:ERIC, Web of Science, and Scopus. All the compiled information was organ-ised and studied through content analysis supported by the webQDA software.We compared methodological options of 40 selected studies. We found 3 empir-ical studies, 27 studies using an interpretative paradigm and 10 studies using asocio-critical perspective. However, according to the subject of our study, thereis only one study using the Action-Research Methodology. Nevertheless, consid-ering the other methodological possibilities, we confirmed that this methodologyis the most appropriate for our type of study. The flexibility and collaborativenature of Action-Research is an advantage. The researcher can be considered aspart of the reality under study, allowing us to achieve an in-depth understandingof the problems and practical situations. From this perspective, all subjects can beparticipants in the construction of knowledge, in a continuous dialectical process,in favour of inclusion.publishe

    Comunicação e linguagem: Espaço online de compartilha e de autoformação em TIC para a Educação Especial

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    Nesta comunicação descrevemos um projeto de investigação em curso, que visa apresentar uma proposta de um espaço online de compartilha e de autoformação em Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para a Educação Especial (EE), cuja principal finalidade é contribuir para a capacitação e empowerment dos profissionais e das famílias na utilização pedagógica das TIC no domínio das Necessidades Especiais (NE). Para averiguar as carências de formação e de partilha em rede, no domínio das TIC para EE, estão a ser preparados inquéritos por questionário a aplicar a famílias e profissionais envolvidos no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem dos alunos com NE, com vista a diagnosticar os reais problemas e carências de formação em TIC que estes agentes apresentam. Os dados recolhidos permitirão avançar para a etapa de conceptualização e especificação do protótipo de um espaço online de autoformação e de compartilha em TIC para a EE – denominado “Compartilha” - que será posteriormente validado com público-alvo final. Este projeto engloba ainda uma dimensão de investigação e desenvolvimento de recursos específicos que favoreçam a consolidação e reforço das competências em TIC para NE e culminará coma avaliação do protótipo e a análise do seu contributo para os processos de autoformação e partilha em TIC no domínio da EE.This communication aims to describe an ongoing research project, which goal is to present a proposal for an online space to share and self-training in information and communication technologies (ICTs) for special education (SE), whose main purpose is to contribute to the enabling and empowerment of professionals and families in pedagogical use of ICT in the field of Special Educational Needs (SEN). Surveys are being prepared in order to ascertain the needs of training and networking, sharing in the field of ICT for special education to help families and professionals involved in teaching and learning process of the students with SEN, in order to diagnose the real problems and needs of training in ICT that these agents face. The collected data will allow going forward to the step of conceptualization and prototype specification a self-training online sharing space, the ICT for special education – called "Compartilha"-which will be subsequently validated with final target audience. This project comprises a research and development dimension of specific resources to encourage the consolidation and strengthening of ICT skills for SEN and will culminate with the evaluation of the prototype and the analysis of its contribution to the processes of self-training and sharing in ICT in the field of special education

    Redes, comunidades y cultura digital: la innovación por la desconexión

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    A construção de redes de relacionamento foi potencializada a partir do advento das tecnologias digitais contemporâneas, que possibilitaram o surgimento de novas condições “espaciais” e a sociedade em rede ou mesmo o da inovação, que pode contemplar processos e tecnologias. Este artigo apresenta, a partir de um estudo de caso analítico de profundidade, a comunidade Rede das Coisas Simples, organizado na cidade de Águeda, na região centro de Portugal, concebido a partir da não utilização de tecnologias digitais para sua mobilização. Essa é uma filosofia crescente entre jovens da cultura digital – unplugged. Espera-se, com a apresentação desta investigação, construir subsídios para novos estudos sobre a cultura digital de jovens.The construction of relationship networks was potentiated from the advent of contemporary digital technologies, which made possible the emergence of new “spatial” conditions and the networked society or even innovation, which can be contemplated processes and technologies. This article presents, based on an in-depth analytical case study, the community Rede das Coisas Simples, carried out in the city of Águeda, in the central region of Portugal, conceived from non-adoption of digital technologies for its mobilization. That’s a growing philosophy among young people of digital culture - unplugged. If you wait, with the presentation of this research, build subsidies for new studies on digital culture among young people.La construcción de redes de relacionamiento fue potencializada a partir del adviento de las tecnologías digitales contemporáneas, que posibilitaron el surgimiento de nuevas condiciones “espaciales” y la sociedad en red o de la innovación, que puede contemplar procesos y tecnologías. Este articulo presenta, a partir de un estudio de caso analítico en profundidad, la comunidad Rede das Coisas Simples, llevada a cabo en la ciudad de Águeda, en la región centro de Portugal, concebido a partir de la no adopción de tecnologías digitales para su movilización. Esta es una filosofía creciente entre jóvenes de la cultura digital unplugged. Se espera, con la presentación de esta investigación, construir sustentos para nuevos estudios sobre la cultura digital entre los jóvenes.publishe

    Barriers and incentives to territory-based innovation processes: from technology to interaction among actors

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    The context of territory-based innovation processes includes both barriers and incentives. This chapter presents and discusses the research and findings of a study conducted with two sets of five community-led initiatives, one composed of small-sized initiatives and another composed of larger-sized initiatives, with a view to identify barriers and incentives to territory-based innovation. Following a mixed-coding approach, data was analysed to identify barriers and incentives to territory-based innovation prompted by the use of digital tools, by the interaction among actors, and by contextual factors. Results from both small- and larger-sized initiatives show significant technology weariness, still initiatives praise the effectiveness of some digital tools, namely social media, in reaching their audience. Both types of initiatives, especially small-sized ones, evidence disappointment towards cultural traits and bureaucracy, being these factors experienced as a disheartening barrier. Yet, initiatives also commend the know-how and flexibility of specific actors, e.g. civil parishes, with whom initiatives interact with closely when performing their day-to-day activities.publishe

    Developing a digital platform for community-led initiatives: from local agents′ needs to interface design

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    To identify how digital media are being used by community-led initiatives of the Centro Region of Portugal, and to identify the requirements that a digital platform for mediation between agents in the territory should have, two focus groups were conducted, involving six small-sized community-led initiatives and six larger-sized community-led initiatives. This article details the results of these focus groups, according to the following main categories: use of existing communication and mediation tools; the purpose of use of digital tools; type of experiences prompted by digital tools and attributes and features desired in a digital platform to support community-led initiatives. The results show differences between the use and needs of digital tools by small- and larger-sized initiatives and offer interesting insights to prototype an innovative digital solution, to enhance the actions of community-led initiatives. A reference framework for digital mediation strategies and a mobile app prototype were developed, based on these surveys. The article contributes with an analytical view about the development of digital solutions, which aim to strengthen the relationship among agents of local communities and promote mediation mechanisms among all stakeholders in territorial-based innovation.Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (CENTRO 2020), PT2020publishe

    Digital mediation for territorial innovation: a multiple case study in social media

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    As redes sociais digitais são espaços infocomunicacionais contemporâneos que estão a influenciar o desenvolvimento social e económico dos territórios. No entanto, o papel das redes sociais digitais nos processos de inovação territorial de base comunitária ainda não foi suficientemente explorado, carecendo de aprofundamento dada a escassez de estudos científicos e de publicações sobre este tema. Neste artigo procura-se contribuir para a compreensão do papel das redes sociais digitais na promoção de cenários efetivos de inovação territorial nas áreas do Turismo e da Saúde e Bem-estar. Neste sentido, realizou-se um benchmarking do uso das redes sociais (Facebook, Twitter e Youtube) de iniciativas locais, na tentativa de identificar exemplos de boas práticas de utilização destas redes para a dinamização de projetos de inovação territorial. Embora as redes sociais selecionadas se distingam pelo número de seguidores e tenham diferentes níveis de envolvimento e colaboração entre os utilizadores, pudemos observar, neste levantamento de dados, os principais fatores motivadores para a participação das iniciativas estudadas. Pese embora a especificidade dos casos estudados, considera-se que o estudo apresenta um contributo para construir uma visão mais analítica sobre as práticas de gestão das redes sociais; os resultados alcançados poderão ser utilizados para extrair recomendações para a consolidação efetiva de estratégias que visam a promoção da capacidade de iniciativa das comunidades locais.Digital social networks are contemporary info-communicational spaces, which are influencing the social and economic development of the territories. Still, the role of digital social networks in the process of community-led territorial innovation has not yet been sufficiently investigated. The scarcity of scientific studies and publications on this subject warrants further investigation. This article contributes to the understanding of the role of digital social networks in the promotion of effective scenarios of territorial innovation in the areas of Tourism and of Health and Well-being. In this sense, a benchmarking of the use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube) of local initiatives was carried out to identify examples of good practices in the use of social networks to stimulate territorial innovation projects. Despite the different number of followers and distinct levels of engagement and collaboration among users, it was possible, through this data collection, to observe the main drivers for participation in the initiatives studied. Regardless of the specificity of the cases studied, this study contributes to the development of a more analytical view on social networks management practices; the results achieved can be used to draw recommendations for the effective consolidation of strategies aimed at promoting the power of initiative of local communities.publishe

    Usability evaluation of a community-led innovation mobile app

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    Digital media can facilitate collaborative processes among local agents, value endogenous resources, and promote assets associated with territory. This article presents the results of a study concerning the development and validation of a mobile app for promoting the relationship among agents of the Portuguese Centro region’s communities/entities. This paper focuses on the results of a heuristic evaluation of the mobile app carried out with two groups of experts in Digital Technologies, Tourism, Health, and Well-Being, besides providing an overview of the mobile app that was developed and a theoretical background regarding community-led innovation, usability, and heuristics. For the CeNTER app prototype evaluation itself, the use of Nielsen's heuristics, a MATCH-MED scale, together with a Think-Aloud Protocol allowed us to improve its usability. This article contributes to a reflection about the evaluation of mobile apps in the scope of territorial-based innovation initiatives, engaging its stakeholders in the process.publishe

    The role of digital technologies in the development of rural communities: a multiple case study of “Bioliving” and “Bons Sons”

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    Este artigo relata a experiência de duas iniciativas de base comunitária, “BioLiving” e “Bons Sons”, como exemplo das boas práticas de mobilização do potencial endógeno regional para a promoção dos processos de desenvolvimento da região centro de Portugal. O principal objetivo foi compreender o papel que as tecnologias digitais podem desempenhar no processo de inovação territorial. Este estudo contribui para uma visão analítica sobre as práticas de gestão das redes sociais, extraindo as recomendações para a consolidação efetiva de estratégias que visam a promoção da capacidade de iniciativa e de empreendimento das comunidades locais e a valorização económica dos recursos endógenos.This article reports on the experience of two community-led initiatives, "BioLiving" and "Bons Sons", as an example of good practices for the mobilization of regional endogenous potential to promote the development processes of Portuguese center region. The objective of this study is to understand the role that digital technologies can play in the process of territorial innovation. This study contributes to an analytical view of social network management practices, extracting the recommendations for the effective consolidation of strategies aimed at promoting initiative capacity and entrepreneurship of local communities and the economic valuation of endogenous resources.publishe